Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A few cellphone photos

Made a night crossing to Vancouver Island on the weekend; somehow, crossing in the dark in foul weather was vastly more exciting than the usual sunny daylight trip. I generally spend those without even stepping outside, either tucked into a book, listening to music, or dozing in my seat, but there's a romance to walking around on the outside deck in grim weather that's rather lacking when it's sunny. (It's also vastly less crowded and noisy outside when the weather's awful). Also, on a nice day, there's no way to take photos of the islands, water, or so forth that don't look kind of trite and touristy and obvious, whereas there are all sorts of nighttime photo-ops that are mysterious and moody and exciting. The "fire" photos are simply industry viewed from the water; the last image is of a fern viewed through a misty window, taken at the end of my trip, with no special effects involved! 

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