Friday, September 28, 2012

The Georgia Straight vs. John Furlong

Hm. Just stuck my head up from VIFF coverage to read this story, alleging that VANOC's John Furlong came to Canada five years earlier than he's claimed, as a Catholic missionary, and was involved in the mistreatment of young First Nations students at Burns Lake, which he has tried to conceal. At first blush, it seems pretty credible and rather courageous of the Straight to run it - but they're rather staking their reputation as a news source on this, and apparently facing a lawsuit from Furlong, who denies everything (except the part about coming to Canada five years earlier than he'd previously claimed... that part he cops to). Interestingly, the CBC appears to be in the Straight's corner, and the RCMP are now investigating the allegations. Provocative stuff...

1 comment:

  1. I'll say this: If it had been widely known Furlong worked in a Catholic school, about 40 years before he was appointed to lead us to the Olympic Promised Land, a lot of people would have been very interested in that fact. That much is bloody obvious.


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