Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Little Guitar Army to play Maple Ridge!

The Little Guitar Army by Femke van Delft, not to be reused without permission

Here's an unexpected development: the Little Guitar Army - whom, because of my suburban disadvantage, I haven't seen (and who haven't updated their Myspace) since lunatic goosestepping* frontwoman Linda Stang got the boot - will play The Wolf in Maple Ridge on March 3rd. Better yet, it's a free concert, not counting what you spend on alcohol or gasoline or KY Jelly. No, people who wish to come to Maple Ridge to see it may not crash on my living room floor, no matter how shitcanned you get, unless sexual favours are involved, and even then, note - I'm particular. Opening will be the Likely Rads, whose new CD, Legends in Denim, is just grrreat, and who also have let their Myspace site founder. By the way, Eugene Chadbourne recently put up an interesting rant on the state of Myspace on his website. I can't guarantee it's still there, but... I kinda miss the days when that site was a workable thing, don't you?

*For the record, this is meant as praise. I really dug what Linda did, though I'm most curious how Mellow will fill her jackboots.


  1. Anonymous11:18 AM

    For anyone who has never seen a Little Guitar Army Show, You have to see this band!! Take it from me when I say They are My favorite Vancouver Live Band to watch and listen to, it became that way for a reason. Their shows are alot of fun Go See Them you won't be disappointed!!Have fun
    Ace Lytem

  2. Mellow delivers strong vocals and good performance - the Rickshaw was great - Rose


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