Monday, February 06, 2012

Dreams of Temptation

Having recently viewed the (excellent, compelling) prison movie Un Prophete as part of my film studies classes - twice! - I had a dream in part that was informed by it, in which I was in prison and it somehow came out among my fellow inmates that I was trying to stop using marijuana (this may correlate to actual events in my life, note. Clarity has seemed desirable of late). As news spread, suddenly other inmates started, for the fun of it, throwing lit joints around me, so that I was sitting in a cloud of fragrant smoke, temptation everywhere. I believe that, in the dream, I picked one up and partook; it may be the first time I have smoked a joint in a dream.

Three photos from a recent commute follow, completely unrelated to the above.


  1. If you're interested in Canadian films about prison, have you seen "Walls?" It came out years ago, and was filmed in the BC Pen before they tore it down. It's based on a play of the same name, and although the names are changed, it's about the riot which resulted in the shooting of one of the Classification Officers. It's good for history buffs.

  2. Anonymous11:57 PM

    I like your cell phone photos a lot, man. The ghostly one with your reflection makes you seem like some sort of time-travelling medieval Russian monk!

  3. Anonymous11:58 PM

    I like your cell phone photos a lot, man. The ghostly one with your reflection makes you seem like some sort of time-travelling medieval Russian monk!


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