Thursday, June 30, 2011

Adstock! DOA! Maple Ridge!

Sad irony: DOA are coming to my hometown, Maple Ridge, where I now reside, to play a free show... and I ain't gonna be here! The Facebook page for Adstock is here; they'll be taking the stage at the Maple Ridge gazebo around 7pm, following Ninja Spy (the listing on the poster is pretty much in reverse order). Music starts at about 1! Yep - it's a whole day of FREE ALL-AGES MUSIC for the 'burbs!

I talked to Joe briefly for the Straight blog about the fest here. I also got to take my first flip-through of his new book today - a pictorial history of DOA, called Talk - Action = 0. I was kind of skeptical, hearing about the project on paper, but am blown away by how cool it looks - it's a really, really beautifully put together book.

By the way, any Vancouver punks hungry for a free DOA show unsure of how to get to Maple Ridge can either catch the 160 down Hastings to Coquitlam Center and change onto the 701 Maple Ridge East - or if it's closer to where you are, get on the Broadway Skytrain line to Lougheed Mall, catch the 97 to Coquitlam, to again get the 701. It only takes about an hour and a half, if you make the right connections...

Joe Keithley by Cindy Metherel, not to be reused without permission

1 comment:

  1. Would not have heard about this event without you. Only caught the last two bands on the way home from the racetrack. Good fun way to burn off the last couple hours of sun at the end of the long weekend. Lots of young people there, young people whose smiles, dancing, general sociability and curious fashion sense give me more hope for future than the other, Canuck, kind.


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