Monday, February 28, 2011

Zev Asher to attend Noise Night!

A last minute addition to the bill: Zev Asher (Scratch recording artist behind Nimrod and Roughage, who has also recorded with Norwegian noise artist Lasse Morhaug under the name the Sleazy Listeners) is slated to attend Noise Night at the Vancity Theatre - an event I'll be hosting, featuring live performances (including, if all goes well, a performance by Zev, and sets from Ejaculation Death Rattle and the Minimalist Jug Band) and films (Tunnel Canary: 1978-2008 and Subcultural Revolution: Shanghai.) More on this later! The event is Monday, March 7th - my first film event on my actual birthday - and will cost $11 to attend, which is a paltry price considering the quality & quantity of entertainment! Hope to see you there!

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