Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Subcon! Hail Spybey! Hail Download! Hail DVOA!

I gather this is Download's first Vancouver show since 1996... I wonder how long it's been since DVOA played here?

I predict that in Thursday's Straight, Alex Varty will have an article about this show. I might be wrong.

Pending from me: Swans interview. Soon. (But not in the Straight).


  1. Anonymous3:08 PM

    1993. Concretion@Sonic Boom. Western Front.
    Mark, Zev Asher, Chris Meyers, Devin Townsend.

  2. Anonymous3:12 PM

    It was called Concretion@Sonic Boom "festival"
    @Western Front(?) on March 31,1994. Mark
    w/ Zev Asher, Chris Meyers, Devin Townsend.


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