Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Time crawls...

It's 5:10 AM. I have a cold, and can't sleep - I have a sort of dull pain behind my face, I'm too plugged-up to use my CPAP machine, and I'm online trying to kill time, which is dragging painfully. I slept for a few hours between 5pm and 8, and then for a few more between midnight and 3AM, but I've been awake since - sometimes lying in bed, sometimes giving up and coming to the computer, to break the monotony of just lying there, listening to the rain. I'm telling myself that, sick or no, I need to go to work today, which means that I could really use a couple more hours' rest, but it's not forthcoming, and each minute goes by so slowly...

Having returned to work, for the time being, means that I will be blogging less during the next few weeks. Various writing projects are in the works, but none for this site. I might try to stick up a Little Guitar Army poster for their gig this weekend... that's all I can think to do...

Oh, and Fake Jazzers will want to note that Ahna's album is in stores, but I haven't heard it, myself... and I don't really know if any Fake Jazzers still follow this blog...


  1. I hope the cold goes. Checked your posts and I was you know what became of "The Bill of Rights" and specifically if Mike Dennis is still playing? Still have some singles and a fanzine someplace.

  2. I hope the cold goes. Checked your posts and I was you know what became of "The Bill of Rights" and specifically if Mike Dennis is still playing? Still have some singles and a fanzine someplace.

  3. In short: nope, I have no idea! (Saw them once back in the day, and had a single of theirs, but I have heard nothing - or nothing I remember - about that band in years).


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