Monday, September 06, 2010

Still no inclination

This has to be one of my longest stretches of non-blogging since I started.

I'm doin' okay, just worn out. Teaching an extra class, added to my daily commute and my various stresses and responsibilities, has stolen from me whatever energy I might have otherwise used for writing. Money is an issue these days, too - there are some unresolved issues at my workplace that make my income seem not so stable - so what writing I do, I kinda need to get paid for.

Those interested in the John Lurie story mentioned below can find it online here - someone has scanned it, and posted two comments of Lurie's taken from another website. I posted a reaction to the article awhile back, got a nasty reaction from an unidentified party, altered my article, had some other reactions to it, and on reflection decided to simply remove the whole thing, since what I'd left online wasn't really saying much anyhow. Hoping the situation resolves itself, but I can't do it justice just now, so am going to step aside.

Meantime, there's not a lot I feel merits saying. My Mom's giant stand-alone freezer crapped out this weekend and I had to spend today, ostensibly a holiday, hauling thawed, dripping groceries - much of it stored from when my father was still alive, quite possibly untouched for years - down to the dumpster and mopping up the bloodied water pooled at the bottom of the thing. Mom fought me - she didn't want to lose the groceries - but they'd been thawed and sitting at near room temperature for maybe as long as 24 hours, and it really didn't seem worth the risk of refreezing them, particularly given her not-so-robust constitution. Plus they were dripping from the watery blood of the thawed meat, which saturated packaging and thoroughly soaked into the corrugated cardboard boxes that a lot of it was stored in, which also had to be torn up and thrown away, pink liquid spattering my shirt and oozing down my arms. Somehow on top of that, I managed to get my laundry done and haul down my recycling, but I didn't even touch the mass of student papers and tests calling out to be marked. Guess I can wake up at 5AM and take a run at them before I have to catch my train... Who can write in such conditions?

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