Tuesday, August 10, 2010

John Lurie's stalker situation in The New Yorker

When I last interviewed John Lurie, by email, he informed me that he was then in hiding because he was being stalked. It didn't actually make the piece that appeared on my blog - the worms in the can opened were too large and too unruly to fit into the proposed piece of writing, so I simply dodged them. In the August 16th issue of the New Yorker, however, there is an article by Tad Friend, "Sleeping With Weapons," that gives at least some of the background of the story, discussing the falling out between Lurie and a guy named John Perry, for whom Lurie can be seen sitting for a portrait, here. There's a bit of a preview of the article on another blog, here.

A piece of writing on Lurie is probably brewing - I've been informally trying to find a gallery in Vancouver interested in showing some of his work - but I have a few other commitments to deal with, so in the meantime, you might want to grab the next New Yorker. I'm not sure how Lurie feels about Friend's article, but it seems like a must-read...


  1. Anonymous12:55 AM

    Hey Al

    I have a 3 yr old. Have you ever seen "The Backyardigans,"? It's a kind of creepy at first computer animated kids show--until you listen to the music, which is directed by John's brother Evan, also of Lounge Lizards fame.


  2. Yeah, I've peeked at it. Music is kinda delightful, but I don't have a 3 yr old, so...

    You the guy tellin' me about Glen Campbell? I am keepin' an ear peeled.


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