Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Ron Reyes Band this weekend

Strange how the comments function of the Straight online seems to attract ignorant, hostile people. There's a real tendency for commenters to get their bitch on - especially, it seems, when talking about older bands. My review of what I thought was DOA's most enjoyable album in 20 or so years attracted a vicious anti-DOA barb from someone who doesn't even know that Rampage ain't in the band anymore, and Adrian Mack's plug for (former Black Flag vocalist) Ron Reyes' 50th birthday gig - happening this weekend, with I, Braineater, the Modernettes, the Little Guitar Army, the Jolts, and the Ron Reyes Band - got someone going about how all these old guys playing music again are "legend killers" or such. I guess he hasn't seen Iggy and the Stooges, or Mission of Burma, or Gang of Four, or Rocket From The Tombs, or - to get local - the Subhumans, the Pointed Sticks, the Dishrags, or the Furies, or any of a dozen "first generation punk bands" who have reunited and toured to amazing affect (or done much appreciated one-off gigs like Art Bergmann's show last year). I've seen all these bands and many more doing reunion gigs and loved the experience; the ratio of wins to losses has been about twenty to one, so I for one am delighted to get to see Ron sing. As a kid I was more of a Rollins fan, but there's a great garage-y zeal to that "first four years" Black Flag comp that Ron's songs are on that I appreciate a lot more now...

Plus, um, has anyone noticed that little red blotch on his poster, "with X members of...?" Now I wonder who that might be referring to? I'll lay odds that it ain't ex-members of the Zamboni Drivers...
But I could be wrong...


  1. By the way, a good Ron Reyes interview here:

    Note the "please don't call me Chavo" part...

  2. Hey great! I'll try to find you - or come say hi, if you see me.

  3. Anonymous5:06 PM

    hey Allan...on the poster, Ron put the names of all the bands that everyone in HUS band had played or was currently playing in...

    How about the show? Wasn't that fun!




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