Saturday, July 31, 2010

Pride Week Obscene Phonecall


"Hi." (An unfamiliar, deep male voice. Am I failing to recognize it?). "How are you doin'?"

"I'm okay... uh... sorry, do I know who this is?"

I don't think he answered that. Instead, he said, "I'd like to put my lips around that big beautiful hard cock of yours."

I'm getting a gay obscene phone call?

"I want you to explode in my mouth!" I can hear that he's clearly masturbating. In fairness, I briefly consider it. Do I want to explode in some guy's mouth? Do I want to jerk off with him on the phone? Opportunity is knocking.

I decide, nah.

"I'm not really into this conversation," I say. "But you enjoy yourself..."

He says, "Okay," and we hang up.

Well. That's a first. I wonder what other reactions buddy gets? Actually, it occurs to me now that it would have been fun to play into it just a LITTLE bit, to say, "You dirty little bastard!" to him or such, but then I might have had to hear him having an orgasm. Not really my cup of tea, so to speak.

Now where was I...?

1 comment:

  1. You sure that wasn't Gordon Campbell on the phone explaining how the HST is going to be good for us in the long run?


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