Sunday, July 11, 2010

My Summer Vacation: Consider Me Absent

An odd thing has been taking place: I haven't been writing much, and I've really been enjoying it.

I have a couple of large projects looming, but for the most part - unless there's something really exciting happening or I have the chance to make some moolah, I don't feel the need to put myself out there in the world at the moment. I'd rather spend my time living. There's too much I need to catch up on in real life to want to write.

Consider me on vacation for the time being... I'll be back online come the VIFF.

Oh, by the way - July 18th, Petunia and the Minimalist Jug Band will be doing a gig at Little Mountain Galleries, at Main and 26th. Petunia is calling Halifax home at the moment, and may stay there - so if you like roots music and you haven't seen him play lately...

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