Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Pointed Sticks, Phil Minton pending

Well, folks - I'm still in Maple Ridge, needless to say. Having good days and bad days - almost always busy ones. Douglas Sirk's Imitation Of Life definitely proved to be the wrong movie to watch in my current state. I miss my father and am not always able to fit my mind around the loss; it tends to blindside me from different angles. Trying to not place too many demands on myself.

All the same, I have two articles to put up in the next short while. Over the next couple of days, I'll put up a Pointed Sticks thing I did awhile back, in honour of the Dec. 19th concert(s) at the Rio. (And don't forget the Frank Frink Five at the Railway the next night, or the fact that The Evaporators will be opening for the early Rio show). After that, I'll have a Phil Minton piece to put up - a UK vocal improvisor who will be in town for a Feral Choir event, using local "singers" - put on by Vancouver New Music. Anyone who likes unusual music should check out the final performance.

There won't be much else in the month of December, I suspect, but the Sticks piece will go up in the next couple of days... See you back here then.

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