Saturday, December 05, 2009


I had to take the West Coast Express into Vancouver earlier this week to take care of some paperwork and see my doctor. I had a cell phone with me; after long hating them and resisting them, I have acquired one - a gift from a friend of my father's in the building, who wanted to do something for my Mom and I, which I pretty much need now in order to be able to look out for her. I have barely figured out how to use it, but I managed to take a few photographs on the train with the camera function, and some I'm quite happy with...

I haven't much to say at the moment and won't for awhile. Thanks to those of you who have offered supportive comments, emails, and so forth.

1 comment:

  1. It is a Hell of a train ride - my second favourite way to introduce first timers to Vancouver. I still like taking people from the airport, 'round UBC and into the city via Spanish Banks better.


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