Friday, November 13, 2009

So much for the great brown hope...

I've written off Barack Obama. Guantanamo Bay is functioning still, and will be past his previously announced sell-by date, but in the name of shutting it down, five of its key "detainees" will be tried IN NEW YORK, the last place on earth they could get a fair trial - including former child soldier and Canadian citizen Omar Khadr. Who has been tortured and illegally held for 8 years in Gitmo, and could now still face the death penalty. Fuck Obama - it's Bush-lite, maybe, but it's still the same monstrous machine he's at the wheel of. (Meantime, our own government is rejecting arguments to repatriate Khadr... even tho', even if he WAS implicated in killing a soldier, he was a child at the time, under the influence of his Al Qaida father, and on some level - one that no one mentions - merely defending his country against a foreign assault - the criminality of which I have a hard time fitting my mind around. Just because the US decides to invade a country, it doesn't follow that it's illegal to resist that invasion, does it? Is our standard of law entirely dictated by US military ambitions?).

1 comment:

  1. Oops - looks like Khadr ISN'T one of those going to be tried in NY. Still...


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