Thursday, October 22, 2009

People Like Us and DJ Tapes at VNM fest tonight

Vicki Bennett with Ergo Phizmiz
Intrepid Skinny readers will apparently be able to find my interviews with DJ Tapes (the Her Jazz Noise Collective's Aja Rose Bond) and Vicki Bennett (People Like Us) at select locations later today; tonight, you can see both women perform as part of the Vancouver New Music Copyright/ Copyleft festival. (Starts at 7 at the Scotiabank Dance Centre). My crazy life has prevented meaningful blogging to plug the fest - and I missed John Oswald and Jackson 2Bears last night, so I could get a good night's sleep - but it's by far my favourite festival, music or otherwise, in Vancouver, and there are some great performers playing this year. Is Chris Cutler also tonight? You should go, really.

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