Monday, September 14, 2009

VIFF listings online

Hey, folks - the program for the 28th annual VIFF, which starts October 1st, is up and running online. From big-name entries like Lars Von Trier's Antichrist (image above; trailer and such here) and Michael Haneke's new film The White Ribbon, to smaller, but fascinating-sounding and harder-to-see fare like Beetle Queen Conquers Tokyo, or the compelling-but-quiet sounding Sweetgrass, it looks to be a strong a festival as ever, despite being touched by the sponsorship woes and government arts funding cutbacks witnessed elsewhere (because we need all our money for the Olympics!). While I haven't perused the program in much detail as yet, I'm singularly excited about the new Michael Glawogger film; his Workingman's Death was a huge favourite a few years back, and while I wasn't quite as excited by Slumming, his first fiction feature, I liked it quite a bit; besideswhich, the premise of Kill Daddy Goodnight certainly sounds intriguing. Oh, and Reg Harkema's Leslie My Name Is Evil is playing, as well - I hope to be talking to Reg about that, soon. Check out this assaultive, nasty review it got! Sounds like Reg pushed some buttons, there (and it sounds like the reviewer doesn't know his Godard). My VIFF coverage will be thinner this year, due to various personal issues in my life (moving back to the 'burbs to be closer to ailing parents), but I'll have a few things online over the next few weeks. Hope to see y'all at a movie or two...

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