Monday, September 07, 2009

Rally to Protest Arts Funding Cuts in BC

Where: In front of the Vancouver Art Gallery, 750 Hornby Street

When: Wednesday, September 9th, 2009 at noon
Wear Gray – the colour of life without art

Bring your family, friends, board members, audiences –
anyone who feels that the cultural life of BC is important.

British Columbia’s arts and culture sector is being decimated by a government that is clearly contemptuous of one of the province’s most productive economic sectors.

Arts funding has and is being cut despite recent headlines telling us it has been “restored; this is only for a few and only temporarily. Despite what we are being told, the figures we have at present tell us that our sector will be cut by up to 92% by the end of this government’s mandate. This while their own studies show that for every $1 they invest, they receive a return of $1.38 in taxes. We ask you to consider the ways that arts and culture touch your daily lives at home, in the streets, your children in schools, on TV, your music, on the internet, in videogames and in theatres. We ask you to think about culture as part of our individual and community identities, a way to connect with our origins with who we are today, and with what we care about. Our world would be a gray place without our art and culture. Art is not a frill. Culture matters. Please join us.

For more information, visit the following links:

(Vancouver Sun story)

(Province story)

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