Friday, August 07, 2009

Why I don't mind the HST

Why I don't mind the HST: if we can make Vancouver completely unlivable for all but the rich and cultureless (thanks for that turn of phrase, Mr. Robert Dayton), then I will have no excuse but to leave. What with the Olympics, the bedbugs and mice in my apartment, the death of Richards, Noize To Go, and the impending death of the Cobalt (fight! fight! fight!), I see myself exploring job opportunities in Japan again sometime in the future. At least the cockroaches don't suck your blood at night, and the insanity of the bureaucracy is so much easier to digest when you really don't have any hope of meaningful input.

1 comment:

  1. This is all making me girlfriend had to move back to Vancouver and I've been thinking about it myself just for her buuuuuut.....


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