Monday, June 15, 2009

Changing Vancouver

Vancouver record shoppers might want to note that Noize to Go is being forced by renovations to exit their present location at Seymour, near where A&B Sound used to be; they don't have a new address yet (but if you have any good ideas...). I'm told that Dandelion is at a new location around the corner, too; that The Jem Gallery has shut down its previous location and is now "by appointment;" that Only Seafood has been closed - presumably because the cost of complying with a health inspection was too great - and that Cafe S'Il Vous Plait has also gone under or been replaced. (Ain't sure which - thanks to Teddy Stinks for passing on some of this news, which I only remember in part). Meanwhile, Granville Street and its environs feel more and more like a street in some harsher, say, American town every time I walk down it at night; I had a striking few moments when walking about downtown the other day of feeling like I was in some completely other city, as if the street I was on had been sold out from under me and replaced. With this much change happening so quickly, moving would almost be redundant.


  1. Funhauser in Chinatown is closing too, which is sad.

  2. The Only Seafood closing was actually happened for way crazier and far more interesting reasons:

  3. Sorry, I know the opening sentence of that article just reiterates why The Province is among the worst the city has to offer.


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