Friday, May 22, 2009

Weird Music Potpourri tonight

This just in - a varied evening of adventuresome music and socializing:

Sink or Swim
Friday May 22nd

A fundraiser and auction with performances by:

Spectrum Interview Electro-Acoustic Textural Onslaught

Birdwise Fehr Rzemieniak Electro-Acoustic Noise Emissions Occasionally Intended For Dancing

Visuals by Victor Ballesteros

Yesod Electro-Acoustic Dub

Jason Corder and Sara Gold Kentucky-Vancouver Electro-Caustic Tele-Presence

iDisaster Berlin School

Vincent Parker Dance Party Mahssif Whut

Brady Marks Electroglitch50squeercoreminimaldub

Thomas Cunningham IV Dance Hearty Pants Party

Cody Gold Minimal Tech House and The Techno

Entrance is by donation, suggested $2 - 10. All are welcome.

A silent auction of local arts and crafts will also take place throughout the evening to be announced at midnight!

All funds generated will be donated to on behalf of the Global Agents for Change who will be riding their bikes from Vancouver to Tijuana in support of Kiva, a micro-loan program connecting independent lenders (you and me!) directly with struggling entrepreneurs in the developing world.

The Sinking Ship Gallery
440 W. Pender (across from Macleod's Books)
Back alley entrance
7pm until we can't stand anymore.

Limited capacity, get there early folks!

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