Saturday, May 23, 2009

French For Sled Dogs tonight at 1067

Photo by Allan MacInnis

"What the hell am I doing online on a beautiful day like today," you ask, and I know, I know - you're right; but I had to make mention that French For Sled Dogs - who appear not to have a site of their own yet - will be at 1067 tonight. Dave Chokroun (on electric bass, in this unit, which is draw enough for me; my old interview with Dave is here) tells me this particular project, also with Chris Albanese and Fond of Tigers' Stephen Lyons, is on about math rock - something I don't always groove on but am never bored by. And non-math-wise, I saw Lyons and Chokroun do a variant on Chokroun's other project, The Sorrow And The Pity, one night at 1067 when Darren Williams couldn't make it, and it was smokin' cool, with Lyons playing intense flurries of angular guitar-spazz between, through, over, under, and sometimes into Chokroun's manic percussive flailings; granted, the instrumentation is slightly different tonight, but I am curious indeed, and actually plan to be there (unlike, say, the other gigs I've mentioned below).
...Unless, that is, that tuna I ate for lunch has gone off and I end up with food poisoning. Ever do that - eat something from your fridge that you think, but aren't sure, is safe, then spend the next eight hours fearfully hoping that you don't start vomiting?

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