Friday, April 03, 2009

The Spores in Skyscraper 30!

Vancouver punks of the 1980's (or those hungry for smart, cool, fun punk songs that they haven't previously heard) should be advised that my interview with Danny Nowak (Spores lead singer, aka Danny Shmanny, and Hard Core Logo cinematographer) is in Skyscraper #30, now on the shelves at Scratch! You should buy the Spores' News Weather and Spores, new on Sudden Death, while you're at it! The Spores were eclipsed in their day by Slow, by their trailblazin' predecessors like DOA and the Subhumans, and by the grunge explosion that came later - though they sound more like the Dead Kennedys (or maybe the Dead Boys or Crucifucks) than anyone Vancouver or Seattle produced, really, due to Danny's strident (I mean that in a good way) vocal delivery and fast-paced babble of lyrics; but they're great - a witty, tuneful, inventive punk band (who, rumour has it, may just be re-uniting for a one-off concert this summer, by the way). The CD includes hidden video tracks like "Meat Bi-Product" and "Up the Boss," and the Sex Pistols-inspired "Expo in BC," the funniest and best Expo protest song ever written, reissued just in time for the Olympics! Yay Spores!


  1. Yes, pick up a piece of history - both past and present with this new album @( other fine outlets like Zulu and Scratch records. Wayne Abstain, guitar for the Spores has undergone surgery on hand suggesting that a show would be more likely in the fall/winter, not the summer as mentioned. Live in the present all,
    Wayne Abstain (Linder)(Radspore)

  2. Sorry to hear of your hand surgery, Wayne! Hope you like the Spores article; I sure like the Spores' CD, and I am greatly looking forward to seeing the Spores reunion gig. I will happily try to generate some excitement about it, when the time approacheth!

    Note! I am not so daft as to have written "the new The Spores CD," as appears in the article. This turn of phrase (as well as the substitution of the word "discography" for "compilation," by someone apparently unclear on the difference) are the result of the creative thinking of someone other than myself!



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