Friday, April 17, 2009

No more goddamn blogging for a few days!

My father and I playin' cards in Maple Ridge, back when I had short hair. Photo by my mother?

Speakin' as a writer, I am wiped out! It's nearin' 5 AM and I've just finished putting up my Ray Fulber interview. I've promised a piece on the upcoming Subhumans show (May 15th) to The Skinny; I've told Josh I'd review his Magneticring album, which hasn't been possible with my hearing buggered; and I haven't even gotten to the three main projects I took time off work to do (Mats Gustafsson - in town May 1st with The Thing at the Ironworks, which is a must-see show; Nels Cline and Mike Watt, who are cookin' up a new Black Gang project; and a bigger thing on the Subhumans the dimensions of which will indeed be impressive but cannot be revealed as yet). I will NOT BE BLOGGING until next Wednesday at the earliest! Don't even ask!

Meantime - remember to come see my PHASE IV screening, April 24th at the Vancity Theatre, 10PM (see below, and remember, there will be a surprise musical guest!). And remember - it's a belated birthday bash, so do feel free to bring me cool shit, as long as I don't have to review it...

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