Friday, April 10, 2009

Isabella Rosselini's Green Porno

Never mind David Lynch, Guy Maddin, et alia: left to her own devices, writing and co-directing "Green Porno" for the Sundance Channel, Isabella Rosselini reveals that she is one strange cat in her own right, adventuresomely - and quite charmingly - illustrating some of the odder aspects of biology with deadpan narration and a definite taste for the perverse. Patricia Highsmith, we are sure, would appreciate her snail video; given a decent costume budget, imagine how you would enact the following narration, before watching: "If I were a snail, I would have one big slimy foot. I would twist my body to fit inside my shell. My foot would end up at the bottom, allowing me to crawl. My anus would end up on top of my head, unfortunately..." I'm also quite fond of her earthworm, her bee, her mantis, her fly... heck, they're all great, check'em out. I find they load a bit more reliably (for people with crappy internet connections like myself) if you seek'em out on Youtube, rather than visiting the Sundance Channel, though much of Season Two, apparently devoted to sea life, hasn't made it to Youtube yet. Thanks to Dan for turnin' me onto this stuff - apparently we're only about a year late...

By the way, I am told my Green Porno name is Yam Hawkmoth, and that - based on the Green Porno quiz - I am a Praying Mantis (video here): "You take a lickin' and keep on tickin'. Sure to satisfy your Green Porno lover no matter what the cost, you'll keep giving and giving until you literally can't give anymore. If only you knew when to pull back, you might avoid repeatedly losing your head in relationships. It's a pity that your lovers don't always appreciate your generosity and attentiveness. Needless to say, you're always ready to get back on the stick and give it the best you've got despite the inevitable odds."

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