Thursday, April 09, 2009

Art, Ray, Nomeansno... and my bad ear

Nomeansno at the Royale Banquet Hall by Femke van Delft. Not to be used without permission.

Since I had some unused material from my Japanese Nomeansno articles, and since I'd never done a live review of a Nomeansno show before, I ended up submitting something to the Skinny, the new issue of which we presume is out around town now-ish. I'll be lookin' for it today. A couple of clips from the show are on Youtube: "The Day Everything Became Nothing" and "Oh No Bruno." There's a few so-so clips (short, bad sound) of their March Japan tour up, too - like this portion of "All Lies," or this of "Rags and Bones," which gives you a bit of a peek at the Japanese Nomeansno audience...
I am still grappling, alas, with ear infections, a head cold, and my body's reaction to the antibiotics I'm using. Putting on headphones and transcribing anything is work I do not want to be doing at the moment! There's at least one really cool Art Bergmann article (actually a Ray Fulber interview) still to come - but I'm going to wait until I feel healthier to get started. Sorry to keep y'all in suspense.

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