Saturday, March 28, 2009

Re: Art Bergmann, etc

More Art by Femke van Delft
(with the Pointed Sticks at Summer of Love '08)

...See a couple o' posts below for my "review" of the Art Bergmann show. I should add that some of what I took for inebriation on Art's part appears to have been simply that he's very sick. Like the Lost Art Bergmann CD, the show, I think, will continue to grow in my estimation - too bad that, unlike the CD, I can't relive it again and again (tho' I gather there's more footage surfacing on Youtube). I've just talked with Ray Fulber at some length - the man behind the CD release and the bass player at the concert - and will have an interview with him up sometime in the next week, as well as comments from people who were at the show.

However, this is going to take some time for me to get to. I've got lots else going on in my life right now, so it may take a week or so. Art Bergmann fans should WATCH THIS SPACE or sumfin'.
Looks like I won't be at Mecca Normal tonight. (How like me: plug a show and then not go). Hope y'all have fun.

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