Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Montreal Supergroup Plays March 12th at Scotiabank

I've been a bit overwhelmed lately, and not keeping on top of gigs (let alone going to them), but Thursday, March 12th, at the Scotiabank Dance Center is a chance to see some of Montreal's finest improvisers (Jean Derome, Pierre Tanguay, Joanne Hetu, Martin Tetrault, Dianne Labrosse, and others, including Lori Freedman, who I don't think is actually from Montreal) doing a piece by Michel Cote, based on text by Catholic pornographer George Bataille, as well as compositions by Jean Derome, Dianne Labrosse, and Danielle Palardy Roger. It's called Ensemble Supermusique and it's put on by Vancouver New Music, of course. I have enjoyed everything I've been exposed to of the Montreal musique actuelle scene, and hope to have the energy to attend this. (But I'm not making promises - I'm pooped, lately). Free artist chat at 7PM, show starts at 8... excerpt of the Roger piece at the above link...!

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