Friday, January 09, 2009

Night of the Living Dead - Day of the Dead!

Double bill tonight at the Rio on Broadway! (I hope it's the original versions of both...)


  1. I saved the admission to the Living Dead movies and walked around downtown like/with the zombies yesterday.

    I too leaned on the Smiling Buddha's long bar as a young man and enjoy reading anything by anybody who survives from those days.

    I checked your first month's work in this space, something I do most all the time after I have added a blog to my favourites. The bit about Doug Bennett was sure good. All the old fatties can't play half-time at the Grey Cup.

    Last comment for the day: it sure is curious people still give any sort of a shit at all about the Five and their motives, etc.

  2. Argh! Fucking lost my comment. Let's try this again...

    In fact, I was too young for the Buddha - I would pass it on the bus on the way in to buy records at Collectors RPM or Odyssey Imports. My punk watering hole of choice was the Cruel Elephant on Granville, watching the Melvins, Tankhog, Sludge (from Coquitlam!) or, best of all the touring acts I caught there, the Volcano Suns...

    I'm glad you liked the Doug Bennett piece. Re: the Five, I'm not at all surprised that people still give a shit about all that - I mean, I've seen Brits and Americans go at it online over their colonial history, and the US revolution happened a couple of hundred years ago... People have long memories, history has a long reach, and the Five weren't THAT long ago...



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