Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Mock Up On Mu, Motherfucker!

Not many films defeat me. I tried to watch Craig Baldwin's Mock Up On Mu last VIFF and ended up walking out, but I felt my doing so was more a judgment on me than on the film; my brain hurt, and it had kicked my ass, too.
Rich with esoteric in-jokes and historical references (tho' it's set in 2019) that I assume only Jack Parsons/ L. Ron Hubbard-studyin' freaks will understand - and I do not mean Scientologists, but fans of, like, Bare Faced Messiah and such - the film has as distinctive and quirky a style as Guy Maddin, but is completely idiosyncratic, and it has no bearing on silent cinema (Maddin's plundering-ground).
In fact, there are no other films like it that I've seen. I would pay money to read Sir Adrian Mack interview Craig Baldwin about this film. Check the trailer out here and tell me if you don't have a "what the fuck is that?" moment. (Old VIFF listing here, official site here for more). The film plays one night only at the Cinematheque, tomorrow.
I can't promise on bein' there - I have a cold and am feeling ill and dazed, and am committed to see The Trip to Asia at the Vancity with some friends who love classical music tomorrow... but SOME OF YOU NEED TO SEE THIS FILM.
You know who you are. Right?

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