Monday, December 08, 2008

Pointed Sticks Christmas

Pointed Sticks by Femke van Delft

Here's some cheery news: the Pointed Sticks have put up two free Christmas downloads, "Power Pop Santa" and "Xmastime Again!" (EDIT: JUST RECEIVED A LINK FOR THE VIDEO FOR "Power Pop Santa!"). Also of note: Pointed Sticks vocalist Nick Jones' "other" project, the Frank Frink Five, play the Railway on December 22nd - I've never yet managed to catch them, so I'm pretty keen. From my old Razorcake interview with the Pointed Sticks, dealing with the Frank Frink Five:
Bill: Gord’s studio, that he owns with (Modernettes frontman) Buck Cherry, is the Paramount—and Gord’s the engineer. They record a lot of roots rock groups, and they record their own stuff there. Randy Carpenter does some work there.
Allan: Randy works with Nick in the Frank Frink Five.
Bill: Yeah. They’ve played maybe twice a year for the last eleven years. Actually, you just missed a show at the Railway. They do kind of like souped-up country songs and rock songs from the ‘60s. They’re quite hilarious.
Nick: Randy and I have been playing together in one form or another ever since the Pointed Sticks broke up. He’s an amazing musician. He knows the words to more songs than any human being alive! The best thing about the Frinks is that we never have to practice...

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