Friday, November 28, 2008

FUSE tonight with Pauline Oliveros

Those unaware of the Deep Listening Band or the music of Pauline Oliveros might want to look here first, but - Ms. Oliveros will be performing two sets tonight at the courtroom at the Vancouver Art Gallery, as a part of FUSE. Anyone interested in avant-garde music, meditative or focused listening, Soundwalks, and/or ambient sound (or the accordion, I guess, tho' this ain't a polka night!) should come out to this, or try signing up for the workshop at the Front tomorrow (good luck!). The night at the VIFF starts at 6 - which will give you time to explore the gallery, since Oliveros will not perform until 8:30 (or so it says).
This will likely be my last entry for the weekend. Y'all know about the rest of what's going on anyhow, right? If not, see below...

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