Monday, August 25, 2008

In-between films

So both the Cinematheque and the Vancity theatre are soon to be between programs, what with the VLAFF, the VIFF, and so forth coming up. To tide us over, there will be screenings of Orson Welles' Touch of Evil - the restored version, with a guest to talk about it - and two films by Sokurov, including the highly-praised Alexandra, at the Vancity, and screenings at the Cinematheque of Fritz Lang's Metropolis (not yet online, apparently), Genet's Who is Bozo Texina, works by Alain Robbe-Grillet, and a 35 mm print of Teshigahara's splendid Gaudi documentary. Oh, and there'll be an afternoon screening of John Ford's The Searchers. Who knows what I'll be able to attend - I have much writing to catch up on - but I figured I'd let y'all know what some of the options were, since new Cinematheque and Vancity programs may be awhile in surfacing... Cheerio!

1 comment:

  1. ...actually, I'm a tad wrong here. The VIFC do have an "interim" one-pager out there, and I assume won't have a new, full program guide for some time; but the Cinematheque made one (even tho' it's mostly blank, due to the VLAFF and the VIFF). So I'm wrong!


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