Sunday, June 29, 2008

This Space for Rent

It's hot!

My jazz festival reviews sort of tapered off, but I'll have a final post with some pics by Femke in the next week or so. Mats did an amazing noise set at the Cobalt on Wednesday - my ears were hurting days later - and seemed to have fun tearing up the stage with Robots on Fire; tho' the Monday night show by The Thing was by far the high point of the festival for me. Having also gone to see Nashville Pussy and the Reverend Horton Heat on Thursday - and having briefly checked in on Rich Hope and his "Evil Doer," Adrian Mack, doing an energetic guitar-and-drums duo at Pats Pub last night, I'm feeling more than a little burned out on concert-going, and a little overwhelmed with writing assignments and life issues. May take a vacation from the blog for a few days. Keep an eye out for the next issue of The Skinny, for more of my recent stuff. (Having previously joked that The Skinny should be re-entitled The Fatty, given Vancouverites' smoking proclivities, EDR/G42's Dan Kibke has come up for a new name for the paper: The Scarce. Might be a good sign, tho' - maybe our jazzfest issue had a decent pick-up rate? I can't find the thing ANYWHERE downtown...).

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