Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Randi cops out on Canine Telepathy Challenge

I've always been skeptical of James Randi...


  1. I think some dogs are more advanced at communicating telepathically with people... just as some people are. German Shepherd Dogs (and GSD mixes)are the best at this, in my experience. I don't think it has anything to do with psychic ability, more with brain waves and the band width that dogs and people communicate on. I have fostered over 100 dogs in the last 9yrs, and I have first hand experience with this. But I believe in science, not Voodoo, and I know that one day this will all be explained.

  2. I sometimes wonder of others have had the same powerful communication with their canine as I did ijn 2000 with my shihtzu waking me with soft barking as though coming from an echo chamber in my mind at 3:00 am.... it never happened before and we had to have the vet put her down the very next day... very sad but oh the love... I wish more people understood... david


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