Sunday, May 04, 2008

Dreams of Leeches and Burritos

So it starts out with some sort of war in classical times; we are armor-clad, buff warriors come in a boat to do battle, and somehow our strategy is to take large, hungry leeches from one area and introduce them to the waters our enemies swim in. My character emerges as one of two lower-level soldiers who somehow get stranded in the area where the leeches are being introduced. Unfortunately, the leeches multiply with lightning speed and soon are coming for us by the thousands. My friend and I - who have quickly turned into Cheech and Chong - have to climb these vast walls, crawling with leeches, to escape the area. The Chong character gets out first, but I'm stuck behind, as Cheech, naked, surrounded by leeches, trying to make it to this one little "doorway" at the top of the wall. There is some suspense: will I get there, or be devoured by leeches? They edge ever closer as I climb, I reach...

I make it, and get out, and suddenly - I'm in front of the building where I work; the ESL school where I teach is actually the building where the leeches are. It's breaktime and students are outside on the sidewalk out front. No longer Cheech, and I assume no longer naked, I check my pockets, find myself penniless, and look around to see if anyone will by me lunch. (I'm sure no one will believe me that the building is full of leeches, anyhow).

I see Will (his second appearance in one of my dreams). I ask him if he'll get me a burrito at Steamrollers. He says sure...

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