Saturday, April 12, 2008

Brotzmann and Haino

Sweet jeepers. You ever have those moments where - perhaps after a generous huff of cat pee (see a coupla posts ago) - you remember a CD you have that you've completely forgotten about, and absolutely need to put it on? Peter Brotzmann and Keiji Haino's Evolving Blush or Driving Original Sin, that's the CD of the night. It's a shame I get so locked into work that these "holy shit I NEED to hear that album NOW" moments only really happen when I've altered my state - otherwise, music just stays in the background while I wonder what work I have to do next. I agree with the reviewer linked above that Brotzmann and Haino are a bit of an odd pairing, but it's precisely the reality of that pairing that I needed to experience; I've gotten to know both men so much better musically since I bought this album - especially Brotzmann - that the very fact that they've recorded together is a cause for delight. I wonder if Brotzmann has ever collaborated with Eugene Chadbourne...?

Hey, Peter Brotzmann has a Myspace Page!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi, just found your blog through Amazon listmania.
    You seem to have same taste as mine for music.
    I like improvised, free jazz, blues, etc.
    You should hear some recent Japanese improved musicians and groups like Shiro Onuma,ds, Katsuyuki Itakura,p, Yoriyuki Harada,p, and new band by Goku Nonaka.

    Will visit your blog again.

    Makoto Aida

  3. Hi, you two -

    Bunbungirl - sorry for the delayed response - I'm kind of overwhelmed by my life lately. I will look at your site presently and link to it, thanks! I love the birdpoop animation! I lived in Japan from 1999-2000, and I do enjoy a lot of Japanese music and film.

    Makoto - Did you see my Acid Mothers interview last month? ...I do not know the names you mention, so I'm excited to hear about them; it's hard to stay plugged into the scene over there when you live in Vancouver! I saw lots of concerts when I was in Japan, but often I was busy going to see western artists on tour (Joe Strummer, Lou Reed, Sonic Youth - there were some great shows when I was there) and I didn't see half as much real Japanese music as I could have or should have (a regret). I did get to see some terrific shows by Keisuke Ohta, Natsuki Kido, Michiyo Yagi, Ayuo, Kazutoki Umezu, Keiji Haino, Akira Sakata, Yoshihide Otomo, Skist, and Ruins Hatoba, tho'. (That was kind of the scene I was exploring then)... It was kinda hard because I didn't actually know any Japanese people who were interested in this music, so I had to go alone to everything!

    Anyhow, thanks to both of you for your comments -


  4. Brotzmann and Shoji Hano has Japan Tour from May 10-15 and 23rd. Brotzmann has other live 16-19 with other persons. I would go 23rd one.


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