Monday, January 21, 2008


My building has bedbugs. It's been an ongoing problem, even in the west end, which I live on the fringes of; a couple of years ago, there was talk of the bugs travelling from apartment to apartment through connected storage spaces once used for Morris beds, but things died down after a spraying and I thought the problem was licked. Recently, though, some tenants - across the hall and several floors up - are complaining of massive infestations, and people have lived in the building for years are moving. I'm told one tenant had their apartment sprayed more than a half-dozen times, to no avail. A recent article in the Georgia Straight about the spread of bedbugs in the city gives me little-to-no hope that the problem will be resolved; and after having read about the little bastards for the last hour, and heard from a friend in the building just how bad things are, my skin is now crawling with phantom tingles and itches, almost as bad as that herpes scare I had... Jeezus, I don't want bedbugs! I don't want to have to throw out my furniture! I don't want to be fed on by bloodsuckers while I sleep! ...things... crawling... on... meeeeee...: Fuck! Get me out of here!

At least the mouse problem got solved...


  1. Oh MAN, that must suck...I feel for you, even if I'm lucky to not have 'em. The cat brought in fleas a few years back and they return every summer, so I knowabout the itches, phantom or otherwise.

    Maybe its time to get a new place like you were talking about in an old post?

  2. Yeah... I was getting comfortable here again, don't really want to move... but jeez: bedbugs?



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