Thursday, December 20, 2007

Peter Stampfel in the Nerve Magazine

About the only thing wrong with my new Peter Stampfel interview is the Nerve "goofy caption" on the photo, which identifies Mr. Stampfel as drinkin' whiskey instead of water, when the article specifies that he's been off drinking for awhile -- since 1988, he reports. Ah, well - minor error; anyone who reads it will get their facts straight. (Note - the link above is temporary; if you're reading this after January 2008, you'll need to go to the Nerve Magazine website and search it out in the archives). More from that interview will appear (in Q&A format) in an upcoming Bixobal, and you can hear Stampfel's new song, "Stick Your Ass in the Air," which I mention in the article, on Youtube. Funniest thing I've heard in awhile - Stampfel truly lightens mah load with songs like this.
Also in the Nerve: ace photographer and artist Femke van Delft has a bunch of really cool photos illustrating my Scratch Records Birthday Celebrations review. Femke's shots look even better online than they do in print, but it was still delightful that the Nerve gave us a colour spread...!
Meantime - promises, promises, but I still plan to put up Bev Davies, Blake Nelson, and Keith Parry interviews, REAL soon. Like, over the holiday. Watch this space. BTW, people interested in weird music for the holidays should check out the Meme Lab for the 27th - the Her Jazz Noise Collective (whom I plugged in the "best of 2007" section o' the Nerve) will perform there, among others.

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