Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Potluck Noise Dinner

Just got this in my inbox. Fans of the outside and challenging should make a curry and go. Not sure that I can (I have conflicting plans), but I'm sure a good time will be had by all who attend. Herjazz Noise Collective do some very cool things indeed, Sistrenatus (pictured above) is always good dark fun, and Ejaculation Death Rattle are a great little collective of weirdos with fascinatin' instrumentation and a very interesting fusion of the archaic and new. Details follow:

Potluck Noise Dinner

Saturday, November 17 - doors 7:30, show starts at 8pm
Venue: The Collection Agency (1009 E. Cordova)

Bring a dish to share (preferably vegetarian or vegan so more folks can partake) or a few bucks to pitch in.
Common Collector :

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