Sunday, November 18, 2007

Joe Lally Monday night!

Hmm - here's a gig you might not know about: Fugazi bassist Joe Lally is playing Monday night at the Gaff Gallery (684 East Hastings). Some samples of his music on Myspace - sounds pretty cool! Opening bands include Capillary Action (from DC) and Shearing Pinx. And I'd wanted to stay home and write! Shit!
Thanks to Peter for the heads up...

1 comment:

  1. Allan here, commenting on mah own blog...

    ...just to note: real bad idea to start a gig at 11PM on a worknight, folks. That's when Shearing Pinx went on (and as much as I like the Her Jazz Noise Collective, I found Pinx' sloppy no wave recidivism less than necessary). I'm told (by Stocktaking on the Nomeanswhatever forum) that Capillary Action were particularly exciting, but I didn't even make it that far - I'd arrived around 8:30 and sat around for over two hours, and the prospect of returning home at 2 AM - negotiating the downtown eastside wilderness and trying to catch a bus, after most have stopped running - just didn't appeal to me... I would have liked to have seen Lally play, but fuckit.


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