Sunday, September 16, 2007

Ruins play Vancouver Wednesday

Here's a shock - Japan's legendary prog-punk twopiece, Ruins, featuring virtuoso drummer Yoshida Tatsuya (or Tatsuya Yoshida, or whatever) and bassist Sasaki Hisashi will play Vancouver this Wednesday, September 19th, at Pat's Pub! Go fuckin' figure - these guys are huge in the weird music scene in Japan, and have numerous CDs on Tzadik; collaborators have included Haino Keiji, Derek Bailey, and Yamamoto of the Boredoms/Omoide Hatoba (actually, I saw Ruins Hatoba once at the Star Pines, I think it was, in Tokyo); still, known quantity that they are - I never woulda known about it if I hadn't bumped into a gig poster this afternoon.
Not sure exactly what they do these days, but they're known for intricate blistering shift-on-a-dime bursts of sonic terror; they DO have a prog element to them, but not in some sucky Yes way. This should be a pretty interesting night of music; drummers in particular should take note - Yoshida's pretty amazing.

Good thing I saw that gig poster.


  1. Anonymous8:00 PM

    yeah, just noticed a poster at Main and Broadway the other day... a double-take verified it was for SEPT 19 and not OCT.

    hope to see ya there A!

  2. Hey, Peter!

    Yeah, I'd like to go, though I also have family things going on this week, so I don't know 100% if I'll be there. We'll see!


  3. I excitedly texted my roomies about this, to get texts back saying that its a local band called Ruins who obviously don't know to Google their own name. Looking for confirmation on both. Caveat emptor.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Christopher got this sorted out - it was, indeed, Ruins - or, somewhat to my surprise, a SOLO Yoshida, playing to canned bass. Amazing night no less (nice to actually meet you, Christopher!). Pics and such to follow - my review will likely be in the Nerve Magazine -- maybe next month or the month after --


  6. Wow, there's some amazing footage of Ruins (alone) on Youtube:

    Thanks to Robbie of the Nomeansno board for posting that!

    - A.


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