Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Zombie solidarity, Zoo, Paul Rutherford obit, Furies, Rebel Spell

I am informed that there will be another Zombiewalk, the third, on August 25 starting at 3pm from the VAG. Alas, I am far too preoccupied to make time to lurch around downtown this year - I feel enough like a zombie in my freetime that I scarcely need to pretend I am one. However, as an act of solidarity, I thought I would show a picture I found in a shoebox at my parents, of me dressed as a zombie for a Grade Two Hallowe'en event, I think. I'm pretty sure that's me. I do not believe, at that point, I had seen Dawn of the Dead - my father once took me to a double bill of that film, and Phantasm, in Mission, and I LOVED them, and was warped for life - but I may have seen images of zombies in Famous Monsters of Filmland, which I was very likely reading at that point.

Some stuff:

1. The Georgia Straight on Thursday will be running a feature of mine on Zoo, the film about the Enumclaw horsefucking case. I interviewed Charles Mudede, the author of the article previously linked. Not sure what this will look like in print, but it's my first piece in the Straight, so I'm quite happy. Mudede will be in attendance at the Friday screening at the Vancity Theatre.

2. Jazz fans will be saddened to note that avant-garde trombonist Paul Rutherford, who, if memory serves, performed here a few years ago when the Dedication Orchestra came to the jazz festival, has died.

3. Anyone planning on seeing the Furies and the Dishrags live this Saturday - a show I highly recommend - might be interested in revisiting my interview with Furies frontman/guitarist Chris Arnett. The new CD is great, in a trog-rock kinda way.

4. The next Nerve will be chock-full of me: a Meat Puppets review, a Furies review, a People Like Us review (if Adrian uses it), a writeup on Under the Volcano - which will also get some space here, if I can just make it through a few more things I gotta do. There will also be part two of my Mike Watt interview; part one, dealing with his involvement in the Unknown Instructors, is here, if you are reading this currently; if it ain't August 2007 as you scan these words, you'll have to root through the Nerve's archives to find it, if you care - look at the bottom of their Contents menu. By the way, yes, I realize I have not yet posted the transcript of my Dan McGuire interview here, but no one has complained or indicated interest, so maybe I can just shelve that for now and move on to transcribing tape for this lingering Rebel Spell thing I'm working on, which has only been on the back burner for about five months. Their newest four songs will be appearing online on August 28th at www.g7welcomingcommittee.com, their new label, so it seems like a good time to get off my ass.

Not that I am spending that much time on my ass these days.

Hey, I really need to get laid, if there are any takers.

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