Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Odd animal migrations: Arctic Seal Hits Florida

I prefer stories about manatees being found in unusal places (one actually turned up off Manhattan not long ago), but I think the principle is the same - water dwelling animals are swimming far from home; this Arctic seal, found in Florida, for instance. No one is explaining why it's happening; I am privately assuming that it is a new phenomenon, related to climate change...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Animals, fish, birds and insects are taking strange migratory paths all around the world. In 2006/2007, millions of honeybees left their thousands of hives without explanation (buzzing happily one day, gone the next), leaving the queen and brood in the hive. Between December 4th to 6th, 2006, the GPS system went crazy, and was fairly corrected; having been a submarine Sailor myself trained in navigation and electronics, the official explanation that solar flares caused the GPS system to go wonky is a bit much as no other electronic systems anywhere else were so disabled. The one thing that would cause GPS to go wonky is the slight tilt of the axis of the Earth (26 degrees to be precise), and this would cause migration patterns to be drastically altered too. Twenty six degrees wouldn't even be noticed by anything but the finest electronic equipment. If solar flares had indeed hit GPS, how come the photos that are taken twice every hour of the sun are missing from the solar observatories websites? The seal isn't the only thing that's fishy here!


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