Sunday, February 11, 2007

Social Housing and the Vancouver Olympics

Anyone notice that things are lookng a lot worse in the downtown eastside lately? More people on the streets, looking damaged and desparate, living out of shopping carts: the Olympics are coming, and the poorest sector of our society is going to pay the most for them. It's like the opposite of the trickle down effect - call it the Money Vacuum, I guess, where a vast machine descends from above to suck up whatever's of value below and turn it into condos. Good article about it here...


  1. we are the champions...

  2. hey man, sorry about the completely off topic question, but saw your blog in a Ray Carney question about Bo Harwood. Have you ever had any luck tracking down music from any Cassavetes film? You could let me know at jessepep at hotmail dot com.

  3. Anonymous6:17 PM

    triple the current amount of homeless for 2010 I'm hearing too...


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