Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Modernettes, Pointed Sticks - Vancouver reunions at Richards on Richards

Photos by Cindy Horie

I'm a bit overwhelmed with other writing projects (just finished talkin' with Nel Cline on the phone about his Feb 22 concert at the Red Room and other things, from punk nostalgia to why I owe Willie Nelson a second chance; have promised to phone Tim Ray soonish; and am pitching around a No Neck Blues Band interview... among other things). I have thus committed a grievous omission: I have not written here about EITHER the Modernettes gig the other week, or the Pointed Sticks two shows on the 6th. It's not that I wasn't there! All this will be amended - I'll be doing a concert review in Discorder and hope to speak to members of both bands sometime soon - but there's only so much I can juggle. The Pointed Sticks show was amazing. The Modernettes show, there were a few rough moments, but it was great to see Buck back in action! Thanks to ace photographer Cindy Horie for documenting both nights!

1 comment:

  1. I bought tickets last month on a whim. I knew the name and read about their Japan tour. The only song I had was Marching Song from the Vancouver Complication re-issue. Pretty amazing show, I feel lucky too have been there. Pick up their cd Waiting For the Real Thing folks!


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