Saturday, May 20, 2006

The Naked Guy Kills Himself

I'm drunk-ish and I have to spend most of the weekend working on features on Nels Cline and Maurice Spira. The blog takes a backseat. Here's a crumb from Wikipedia's obits, to maintain a semblance of activity on the site, while I busy myself elsewhere...


  1. -! I'm rather surprised and shocked- I remember reading about this guy, and his naked stance since I live the area. I encountered himonce near the Berkeley campus, we were at the ATM. He was wearing a sweatshirt and sandals with a backpack, it was little chilly that day. Too bad...

  2. Yeah. It seems a shame. I kind of feel like my manner of posting it was a bit glib -- there's a "weird news" element to the story -- but it also seems like a terrible thing. Someone going to University naked sounds okay with me; I'm more conservative, myself, but I like it when people take chances, and walking around in the nude seems pretty benign. Bummer.


  3. It ias weird, for sure, like many things in Berkeley.
    However, on a voyeuristic note, I didn't know Wiki had and obits page- rather interesting....thanks

  4. Absolutely. I used to use Dead People Server, but they're not very thorough (I'm sure they didn't post Derek Bailey, for example). It's morbid, but I like to know who's died... My "morbidity" folder also includes the Dead Porn Stars page -- which rather oddly categorizes them by how they died, allowing us to discover that more male porn stars have died of AIDs than any other group of porn stars have died by any other means; followed by varied medical causes; followed by suicide, which tops car accidents, drug overdoses, and murder by far:



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