Sunday, March 12, 2006

Pancakes and Noise and Blim, Oh My: a photo document

Above: your humble flipper, complete with Nihilist Spasm Band T-shirt (it seemed apt).

Above: I was able to take a photograph of some of the noise being produced.

The artist known as Coelacanth, unless, in the manner of Pharoah Sanders, the misspelling elsewhere mentioned (Ceolacanth) is intentional (a Corporate Executive Officer previously thought to be extinct, or such), in which case, Ceolacanth. Great (Canadian minimalist garage punk blues duo) Deja Voodoo couplet, from the song "Coelacanth:" "They used to think/ I was extinct/ But then one day/ Somebody finked," with Muddy-Waters-esque "da DAH da dah" punctuation between phrases.

Volunteer Yuko hard at work. A vegetarian, she sacrificed her comforts for the event and turned many a sausage, even (yuck!) getting some on her finger. Alina is not pictured, our other pancake volunteer. Hi, Alina. The musician who has a recording bearing your name, if you forgot, is Arvo Part... (Correction: Dan of G42 informs me that Alina's name is spelled Alena, which blows the Arvo Part reference. Sigh).

Mark likes syrup!

Though in fact I was only another mere volunteer, it seems that thanks are in order, so I will provide some: thanks to Yuriko of Blim for her part in the event and to... Noel, was it? for extension cords and to everyone whose name I forgot, or am simply neglecting to mention. Thanks to Emma (sp?) for the beer and for organizational duties. Thanks to Dan for the grills, organizational duties, and for getting everyone to applaud me for my role as (free) pancake huckster. Thanks to me for flipping. Artists at the event are listed below, and should also consider themselves thanked! A fine day of pancakes and noise.

Now to wash the batter off the Nihilist Spasm Band shirt...

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