Sunday, March 26, 2006

Bob Ostertag's New Website

Bob Ostertag has done something very exciting with his new website: he has taken all the works for which he has the rights and made them available for free download. He notes: "I am doing this both to make my music more widely available, and also as a political move in opposition to the interests which have turned 'intellectual property rights' into a battering ram for corporate power;" his homepage goes into greater depth. There's some very exciting music to be found on his site, too -- most of it noisy, weird, postmodern (poststructuralist? postmusical?), and stitched-together from distorted samples and wind-up toys. (Devoted readers might recall that I once mailed a Japanese wind-up toy, a Skull Ball, to Mr. Ostertag as an expression of appreciation for his wonderful concert here a couple of years ago, with animator Pierre Hebert, at the Western Front...) The site also features a lot of Mr. Ostertag's writing, which I've perused before and found interesting... Hours of pleasure to be found on one website alone. Perhaps he'll return to our humble city someday...

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